Customize your reports with ease.

Welcome to the future of local content reporting. With highly customizable and hassle-free report builders, organize your most insightful data in a way that works best for you. Report on key metrics on a quarterly basis to truly understand impact.

Two reporting tables stacked on top of each other showing how local content reporting can be done seamlessly and intuitively

Set up your reporting once, then leverage its power for the entire project lifecycle.

At the start of a new project, you’ll likely have an extensive list of requirements to report on. SMP provides a seamless process for a one-time report setup that ensures you’re good to go for the full project duration.

Share your reporting requirements

Since operators in various countries have different variables to analyze, each company’s reporting needs will be treated uniquely with a custom approach.

Gain instant access to your supplier reports

Once your reports are created, they’ll be available for you within just a few short minutes. Swiftly receive them in your inbox to be reviewed at your convenience.

Give your contractors the easiest solution to report local content

We work with you step-by-step not only to ensure you understand how reporting works, but also so that your contractors can easily present data.

Show up to every meeting with the reporting data and insights your team needs to make critical decisions quickly.
A screenshot from SMP showing a local content table which is easily to fill out and input accurate information and data for reporting

Saving contractors time and ending confusion with intuitive reporting that just works.

User-friendly reporting tables make data analysis a breeze. As you fill in your reports, we’ll let you know which data is required in each section of your tables to ensure accuracy.

Eliminate reporting errors and ensure data accuracy across every project.

Have you ever gotten stuck presenting inaccurate data? Luckily, we’ve created the solution to keep your data error-free. If you enter data in the wrong format, we’ll highlight each error one-by-one to identify any missing fields or inaccuracies that need a second look.

A screenshot from SMP showing the error checking capabilities, providing an easy-to-use interface to check for issues in reports and making it easy to fix

Your data is accessible, everywhere you go.

To access your data any time and any place, take advantage of our importing and exporting features. Upload files for easy formatting or export reports for working offline.

Import your data

Use our file template as a simple way to bring your data onto the SMP platform with perfect formatting.

Export your data

To analyze, store or present reports anywhere outside of the SMP platform, export relevant data in a csv file for offline use.

A support chat occurring within SMP, making it simple for users to get help for specific issues without having to leave the platform

Access our dedicated support team.

Anytime your contractors have a question or need guidance on data reporting, engage with a member of our support team through our user-friendly chatbot. Whether your contractors have an issue filling out or submitting a report, receive a prompt response by speaking directly with us so we can serve as an extra layer of defense.

Tour the platform.

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