Designed to accurately measure and showcase economic impact.

As you execute each project, track your progress every quarter to truly know how you’re impacting the local economy. Measure your outputs and achieve next-level success.

Bar graph of economic impact of output value in dollars per year, with additional cards showing total output created, total value added created, and total jobs created
Developed by DAI local content economists

Proudly created by leading experts in local content economics, SMP is the only trusted source for accurately tracking impact on the local economy.

Keep a close watch on your socio-economic footprint

As your reports grow with more data, you’ll be able to closely monitor how much you’re stimulating the local city, region and country you’re working in.

Ensure data compliance with reporting standards

With carefully crafted reports, your data will remain both accurate and compliant to ensure that it falls within the standards of the local government.

A graphic illustrating how DAI uses its forecasting and modeling methodology to forecast project impact

Forecasting local content with calculations for every variable.

To help us accurately predict economic impact in the future, we’ve custom-built our own model entirely from scratch. Combining data from many key sources, we forecast future trends using dynamic multipliers. Forecasts update based on new data, while multipliers change based on geographies, supply chain categories and many other variability factors.

Building ripple effects into the forecast at every level.

The platform focuses heavily on measuring how much value is produced across multiple categories of economic impact. SMP takes a three-dimensional approach to showcase the output created based on the business being executed across each respective economy.

A graphic illustrating the three types of multipliers: direct effects, indirect effects, and induced effects
SMP’s economic impact model was designed and built by DAI, world leaders in advanced local content reporting.

Get an aerial view of economic impact, broken down by reporting period and sector.

Take advantage of clean charts and graphs that show you a perfect report of project outputs across each year and sector.

A screenshot from SMP showing the graph view of economic impact with two graphs, one for output created by year and another for output created by sector

Tour the platform.

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